Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Treatment Update

Treatment Update
October 23, 2013

One of my friends in town asked how the radiation treatment was going.  I explained that it’s pretty much a non-event.  You’re met every day by a group of incredibly kind radiation therapists.  They strap you down to a table, you get your brains nuked-out, and you go home.  My friend opined that it sounded very similar to his last job.  
We are now in the third week of both chemo and radiation treatment.   Schedules pretty much revolve around the timing for the radiation treatment.  It’s odd to say, but this has become my new “job,” as certain medications and treatment must occur at specific intervals.  I’m doing well and now vying for the Magic Johnson “skin head” look.  As of this week, I’m no longer on steroids and as Mary says, the Gerbil has gone into hibernation.  I’m also looking forward to losing about 20 pounds gained while on steroids…
Over the last couple of weeks we have enjoyed seeing our kids and grandkids as they traveled to Ohio.  We continue to be amazed (you’d think we’d get over that) at how people show up in different ways to encourage us and show His love for us.  His timing is always perfect.  Thank you for all your prayers. 
"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."        Ephesians 2:20, 21


Liz said...

I am so thankful for the perspective and attitude God has given you through all of this. HE IS SO GOOD! The photo of you and Mary is so full of hope and joy. It is my prayer that those feelings and sentiments continue to grow and deepen as this journey goes on. Blessings to you both!

Ali said...

I just adore you and Mary. Thank you for allowing us the privilege to learn from you as you ride this journey. I think about you and Mary constantly - always praying as God prompts. Much love, Tim.